Failed to retrieve country listing or country name

The Education Abroad Search Database is for search purposes only and allows current students to enquire about possible unit equivalencies that may be awarded in a Deakin course, based on studies at an international tertiary institution. Whether you have already decided upon an institution for your education abroad experience or whether you are still researching countries or institutions to go to, this database will give you an idea of units at many institutions that have already been assessed as equivalent to a Deakin University unit for education abroad purposes.

Understandably there may be many units not listed in which case you should contact your student adviser/Faculty support staff for further information, or for an assessment to be made. You should also consult with your student adviser/Faculty support staff to assess the suitability of any unit choice. You are still required to meet your course rules, have your individual education abroad study plan approved and signed by your Faculty.

You may begin your search by choosing either a country, viewing the complete list of institutions or performing a keyword search.